Replacing Picnik with PicMonkey.

I've already expressed my sadness in Picnik closing.

So I've been diligently casually searching for a new site to replace Picnik.

Imagine my delight when I came across PicMonkey.

And what can explain my new love of PicMonkey?

It's basically made by the same people...or some of the same people. It feels like Picnik's younger, cooler brother (with more monkey?).

Once you upload a picture you'll quickly see that it's super familiar and incredibly easy to use.

Doesn't this look just like Picnik (but slightly cooler and monkey-ier?)

And whereas PicMonkey is free to use, it does have a feature that only "royalty" can use.'s also free.  But apparently that's ending soon and you'll want the coupon (enter your email for more info).

I will also mention that they do not currently have collages (which I really enjoy) but rumor has it it's coming soon, too.

Adding some cool fonts: 

At the bottom of the screen you can click to undo or redo your work, click to merge your overlays, or save your picture (all without having to switch screens). 

So Fast! So Simple!!

Loving my replacement for Picnik.

In fact, Picnik who?

PicMonkey for me!


annie saidā€¦
I'm glad you found this for me, cause I'm too lazy to do it!
I gonna go check this out! Thanks!
Unknown saidā€¦
I have been searching for another "picnik" I am so glad I found your post! My search is over.
Your new follower,
Etcetorize saidā€¦
Thanks for the tip! I've found some other online photo editors but none that are a one stop shop. I'll definitely try this one out~
Sabrina saidā€¦
I just started using Picmonkey too and I love it! Still sad about Picnik, but this is definitely helping me get over it! :)
Meaghan saidā€¦
Very cool- I just tried it and it was super easy to use. You mention to enter your email for a coupon...I didn't see where that was on option...can you clarify?

Emily saidā€¦
Wow cool. I will have to check it out.
Cindy Robinson saidā€¦
Thanks! Off to monkey around

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