Freshly Featured Fridays!

I'm excited to announce a series that I'll be doing here on Freshly Completed.

It's called, "Freshly Featured Fridays"-- as seen here:

The concept is quite simple and should be really fun.

I'll be picking people to feature from my list of Followers.'s what you get if you are Featured.

1. I'll write up a blog post all about your blog
2. I'll visit your blog and share on my site 5 things I love about your blog.
3. I'll encourage others to visit your blog.
4. You'll get a button to post on your blog to share that you've been Featured.

5. If I'm not following you already I'll become your new follower.

Simple and fun, right?

I'm excited to visit my followers blog and explore what creative people you all are!


The Greeley Girls saidā€¦
We are followers of your blog and would love to be a Friday Feature Blog Friend!
The Greeley Girls
Kate saidā€¦
Oo! LOVE the idea. Following via GFC now!
SPH saidā€¦
What a great idea!

New follower - found you through Happy Hour Projects

Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker
Unknown saidā€¦
What a cool Idea, I am a new follower who found you through Happy Hour Projects
Kelsey saidā€¦
What a great idea!! I'm a new follower!!

That's a lovely idea!
Gladly following you :)
I would like to be featured!
Alexis Tanner Lane saidā€¦
This is a great idea! I would love to have my blog featured!
Michelle Carvalho saidā€¦
What a clever idea! I would love a feature!
Shauna saidā€¦
Following now and would love to be featured!

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