Freshly Featured Friday # 2

Wow, Freshly Featured Friday #1 was so much fun! 

Today I'm so excited to be featuring someone new.

This time I picked on a photo at random from my followers list

 and was lead to the blog My Oatmeal Kisses.

Grab a Freshly Featured Button.


1. Since My Oatmeal Kisses was a new blog to me, I first wanted to know who was the creator behind this darling blog.  Enter= Kate.  It's always nice to see who the author is. I thought it was great that Kate used to be a Kindergarten teacher and now stays at home teaching her two cute kids.

2. The first thing I was drawn to while visiting her blog was her Themes and Units button located at the top of her blog. I was so impressed when I clicked on it and saw several themes all put together with varying topics and lessons age appropriate for little kiddos.

3. I stayed there and clicked on the Zoo Animals theme and was lead to a wonderful lesson on where zoo animals come from.

4. On the side of her blog she has a list of popular posts so I decided to check out her most popular post.  This brought me to a post about quiet time boxes. Wow, I can really tell a lot of love and creativity went into creating those boxes. At the bottom of the post she mentions some great guidelines and ideas to making the quiet boxes a success.

5. Next I just had to check out her lesson on Chicka, Chicka Boom, Boom.  What preschooler doesn't love that book? Wow, they made their own Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom tree.  How adorable...and tasty!

Be sure to check out My Oatmeal Kisses.  What a fun, educational blog.


That's a really good idea, randomly picking a follower & featuring them:)
My Oatmeal Kisses saidā€¦
Wow! This is so great! Thanks! And you are so nice to me, thanks for pointing out the good not the bad :).
Thanks thanks!
My Oatmeal Kisses saidā€¦
P.S. I blogged about it

Thanks again!

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