General Conference Activity Round-Up

Click HERE for the newest round-up.

We're excitedly getting ready for General Conference this weekend.  It's a wonderful chance for the family to be together and listen to the words of the Prophet.

We love conference, but some times we need a little extra entertainment for the little ones so we can pay attention.  As I looked around the WWW I found Tons of inspiration and cute ideas for the kiddos.

Thus, my round-up.

My three year old is sitting next to me literally slurping his lips, wishing I would get him buckets of candy.  Go check out this General Conference Treat Buckets by Brown Paper Packages.

It would be fun to play Conference Jenga by Little LDS Ideas.


There's lot of bingo games out there, this one sure looks colorful. Conference Bingo by LDS Handouts.

This would be a bit of work to prepare, but how fun to pick out bags to choose from during each speaker's talk. Conference Baggies found on Sugar Doodle

Oopsey Daisy shows a couple of really cute games she made for her young children.  I really liked her Sticker Idea.


Sharing Ideas is Fun to Do shares this Journal for young kids.

Here's a cute idea for Temple Sewing Cards from A Little Tipsy.


Here's a couple more Great Resources (in pdf Files)!


Unknown saidā€¦
Clicked over from Pinterest only to find I made the list! Thanks for the shout out for my temple sewing cards!
Love all of these ideas! Great for conference!!
Unknown saidā€¦
This is a great list of activities. I do the Conference Baggies with my kids and I've posted a bunch of ideas for them on my blog. It's nice to see other ideas, though, because I always like changing things up a bit.

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