Don't Eat Peeta! -- A Hunger Games Printable Game.


I made a game yesterday.

I used the program paint.

What possessed me?

I thought it'd be fun. 

We played "Don't Eat Pete", yesterday as a family for Family Night.

That got the wheels turning-- What if I made my own version?

Pete sounds like Peeta.

I'm really excited for the movie to come out.

I really enjoyed reading The Hunger Games.

Want to play the game yourself?

It's really easy.

Just print this out.  
Click HERE for the free Pdf file.

Here's a picture a little bigger so you can see who everyone is.

I think this move is really important.

Little fingers, grabbing treats, slobbering-- it's easy to mess your game up.  But in a protective sleeve?  You can wipe it right up.

Do you know how to play "Don't Eat Peeta"?

Here's the easy directions.

Who ever has eaten the most treats wins?!
 I'm not really sure that there is a winner, but it is fun to play.


Julie E saidā€¦
Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Whatsits! I'm following you now so I can see all the cool stuff your sharing on your blog. :)
annie saidā€¦
Love this. I spent some time yesterday explaing the Hunger Games to mom. She was predictably horrified....
Unknown saidā€¦
Hi! I'm visiting from White Lights on Wednesday's party. Your project is sooooooo cute! I love it! I have never heard of "Don't Eat Pete", but it sounds like such fun. And I LOVE The Hunger Games. You did an amazing job drawing the characters. Thanks for sharing this.
Shooting Stars Mag saidā€¦
this is too cute. I love The Hunger Games. I've never played this game, but I've read about it through online blogs. :) I like this version!!

Amanda Kristeen saidā€¦
I saw this link, and think you're project is very cute. Good ole' "don't eat pete..." but for adults. ;)
Shiloh saidā€¦
I keep forgetting about this game! I really need to try it sometime.
Julie E saidā€¦
You've been featured on Wednesday Whatsits as a Top 3 Viewed Posts! Come by this week's party to grab your button. Thanks for linking up! I hope to see you again. :)

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