March Madness

I remember the first time I ever filled out a March Madness bracket.  The first time I ever really heard about March Madness.

I was in college and my roommate's boyfriend was going around trying to get everyone to join.
He explained what to do and handed me a paper.

I filled it out and picked my winner, Duke.

After that, I didn't much pay attention except for hearing that I did not win.

For the past 4 years I've been filling out an online bracket with my family.

I think it first started because my husband wanted to do it, so somehow I became the host.  It's been a really fun tradition each year.

Every year that I've completed the brackets I've always picked Duke to win.  I think it was two years ago when they actually did win-- thus making me the winner.  Last year my young niece beat us all.

This year I decided to open up the Brackets to all my bloggin' buddies.

If you'd like to join here's how:

1. I've signed up through CBS Sports.  They have a really easy to use system. Go to the website:
Our group password is: allaboutalls

2. Sign up-- add your name and email. Do it today or tonight.  It has to be done before Tuesday.

3. Fill out your Bracket. It's really simple.  Just click on your pick and that team will pop into the next square and on and on.

4. Here's the scoring guidelines.

5. That's it.  Check back after each of the games to see how you're doing. It's exciting to see the upsets and the favorites compete.
March Madness begins TuesdayMarch 13, 2012, and ends Monday,April 2, 2012.

Sign up to play it's really fun-- If I get enough I might even do some prizes for the winners...


Shannon saidā€¦
I'm not big into basketball...but, I'm still happy I found your beautiful blog. It doesn't take long to see you are super creative! Excited to poke around your blog a bit. :) Found you over at TT&J and I'm so glad I did!
I just signed up! I don't know anything about basketball but we will see how well I do.

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