Little Miss Dress-- Size 2 t PDF Pattern
I mentioned earlier that sewing by following a "for realsie" pattern is hard for me-- like super hard-- like give me a headache and make me go crazy hard. I never seem to know what they're talking about. Of course this means I need more practice so I can become more fluent in speaking the language of patterns.
All in good time.
Well, after spending more than a week decoding my baby's Easter Dress Simplicity Pattern ( Click here to see more) ...
I decided for dress two I would be drafting my own pattern and making things up as I went. Somehow that is way easier for me. And of course, being fresh off making that last dress that got my creative wheels going. I drafted this pattern using one of my girl's shirts, some yellow paper, lots of measuring-- and I believe a little bit of luck.
It turned out really well. and I gave myself two thumbs up for a job well done.
And because I love and encourage sharing in my home all day. I decided to take a little extra time and make this into a affordable PDF Pattern to share with you all. It is size 2T.
Love her natural curls.
You know how when you're knocking yourself out, trying to be funny so your daughter will look at the camera so you can get one decent picture and you don't notice that her dress has shifted slightly after 3 hours of church?....Yeah, that's what happened here. I promise it fits really well, it just needs a teeny tug to the left on the shoulder.
Amie @ Pinkapotamus
On the bright side... the result is beautiful and charming and I hope she won't grow too big for it till summer. ;) Thanks again. (owh and btw our dress is bright yellow)
My dress was made for my very teeny girl, so it's hard to judge exactly what the norm should be. I'm glad you were able to make it work!
Hope it goes well, please share pictures when you're done.