How to WIN a Pumpkin Carving Contest

This past Saturday night we had a church activity. Our first annual pumpkin carving contest. I thought it sounded really fun.

 I also really wanted to win.

 As soon as I heard about it I thought of this post detailing how to carve a pumpking with someone's face. I quickly thought up my plan and ran it past my husband.

 He thought it would be hilarious.

 And now I present to you...

The Plan?

Create a pumpkin with the picture of my Bishop on it.

So the answer to the question, "How does one win a pumpkin carving contest?" is, "Carve out a picture of the judge on it."

Ready to make your own?
STEP ONE: Upload your picture onto Picnik.

Using the "Effects" button, click on the "Sandbox Effects" button (very bottom).  Then click on "Adjustable Threshold".
Then work with the black and white threshold to make it very black and white.

Once done, save and print out on a 8 x 11 page.

Warning: The rest of these photos are from my phone-- so they're not very clear.  Sorry.  They were taken at my church.


 Keep going until your picture's done.

STEP SIX:  Impress the Masses!
I kid you not, this was the BIGGEST Hit.  When I sat down initially and pulled my paper out, someone from across the hall saw it and yelled out, "You are KIDDING me!"

The entire place went silent as everyone stared at me holding my picture.

The rest of the night people kept sauntering over to laugh and ooh at my project.

After a while the bishop was brought over and he thought it was hilarious.

The whole project went pretty quickly and was an immense hit. 


LOL!! This was genius!! I've never seen anyone do this before!! LOVE IT!! I am now your newest follower via the creative bloggers' hop. I hope you will follow me, too! Be blessed!
KendasCrafts saidā€¦
That's pretty awesome looks great! Glad everyone got a kick out of it!
annie saidā€¦
Aaron Allsop saidā€¦
I still think that a pumpkin that looked like the Death Star would win...but this is still pretty awesome.
Saw I got some traffic to my post from here, on my stat counter! Had to come check it out. :) This is too funny!!
And thanks for linking to my Custom Pumpkin Carving Post! :)
Im gonna have to share your post on my facebook page! :)

Unknown saidā€¦
Ha this is the greatest idea! I LOVE IT! Thanks for the inspiration!

(this is my new blog...come on over and follow along!)
Unknown saidā€¦
WOW! What a fantastic idea! Hmmm...whose face could I carve...? Would you share this here?
KT saidā€¦
ha ha crack me up.
Pedaling saidā€¦
Your sis sent me over! Now, that is awesome creativity at it's best! Way to go. So funny!
Valerie Earnest saidā€¦
So creative! And so much fun! Thanks for sharing this idea!

I'll be featuring this on my blog tomorrow for Three Things Thursday, so I hope you'll stop by, check it out, and grab a featured button if you like!

Unknown saidā€¦
haha great idea! love it :)
Christina saidā€¦
LOL, I love this!!! You deserved the win for sure!

And thanks so much for the tutorial on how to make the template - I actually do use the template method to carve my pumpkins too, but usually I find a picture I like and then free-hand it onto a piece of paper. I like your method MUCH better! Thank you again for sharing!

Take care,
Haha, this is so great! Love this technique!
Unknown saidā€¦
Featured this great idea today! Stop by and grab a featured button and link up any other holiday goodies!
annewalker saidā€¦
Wow, that pumpkin carving is pretty amazing! I'd love to share this to my pinterest board if you won't mind. It's amazing.

All the best,
Anne Walker
Pumpkin Carving Ideas
Unknown saidā€¦
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