Easy Superhero Body Art


As Halloween approaches parents are often scrambling to find the perfect look to complete their child's costumes.  
Masks certainly have their place, but I love the look and comfort that face paint can bring.

Tulip body art is really simple to use.  And they produce really awesome results!

I asked my children if I could practice some face painting on them.  They all agreed enthusiastically!  I told them each to pick their own character and I'd try to reproduce it for them.

Here's how to make Iron Man:

 1. Always wet your brush (included) in water to wet the paint
2. & 3. Outline the face (like so) in yellow
4. Add the red helmet on top
4. Last outline everything in black.  I also added a little orange on top of the yellow for a more Iron Man look. And I added a little white inside the eyes.

(green teeth -- courtesy of eating an airhead ...)

This cute girl asked to be a red batman.  Sounds good to me!

1. With a wet brush outline the face in red
2. Fill in the red
3. Outline everything in black
4. Add eyebrows and other details.  Outline eyes in white.  I added a little pink, last on top of the red.

Doesn't take much for her to get into character.  Fierce, huh?

Lastly, we have Captain America!

1. Outline everything in blue.  Add the white block letter A on the forehead.
2. Add the iconic wings in white.
3. Fill in all the blue.
4. Outline everything in black.  Outline the A with red. Draw on some crazy eyebrows!

And I know not everyone wants to freehand body art. 
 Luckily Tulip offers lots of great stencils too.  This makes the process super simple and fun!

 1. Cut out and add your sticker stencil.
2. With a wet paint brush add your color however you'd like.
3. Take the sticker stencil off.
4. Smile!!

Time for some Saving the world...!

  I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Tulip Body Art and Blueprint Social, but as always all opinions are my own. For more on Tulip please visit them at FacebookTwitterPinterest and their Blog.


KT saidā€¦
Your girl . . . oh my goodness she just kills me! She's so adorable!
How cute! I bet my four boys would LOVE it if I painted their faces this way! They are all obsessed with superheroes!

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