Crochet Owl Hat
I made something the other day(s). It was one of those projects that I started and stopped a lot-- which was kind of nice. Usually it's very hard for me to stop a project. But this one I would work on whenever I had free time and we were sitting around.
I decided to make an owl hat for my 3 year old.
I looked at two useful patterns one from Repeat Crafter Me and one from Daisy Cotton Patterns. Both, probably very helpful-- the problem is I can't follow crochet patterns. When I see directions like "*1 HDC in the next stitch, 2 HDC in the next stitch* around. (18) " my whole insides twist and my brain starts taking over convincing me, "Oh, don't try to understand that-- that's just crazy talk. Plus, they want you to count and keep track-- where's the fun in that?"
So as usual-- I skipped trying to follow any patterns...and did my own thing.
The result? It was a very fun project-- though maybe not as professional as it would look if I would have followed a pattern.
We went outside for a quick "photo shoot" in our freshly fallen snow from last night.
My girl's a natural.
After-- we came back inside and put on all her snow equipment and she and brother played outside this morning until they were too cold to stand it (about a half an hour).
Fun project, the boys are requesting Monster Hats now...I'm sure I can make something up for them, too.
This helps if you ever want to tackle a crochet pattern.