The June Bug Dress

Funnest thing ever-- last week I got the opportunity to test out Jess from Craftiness is Not Optional's new unreleased pattern for her June Bug Dress.  She's still working out the kinks-- but it should be released for purchase coming up in June.

My thoughts?

I loved it!  

I made the dress in size 2 T, even though my girl's over 2 1/2, she's quite teeny.  The fit was perfect!

And there was two things I changed up.  I added some pipping (left over from my pillows) and decided to length the hem by adding another layer, instead of sewing it up shorter.  If I would have sewed it as directed the dress probably would have been right at her knees or a little above them.  I sort of like her dresses a little bit longer than that.

Over all I thought it was a fantastic pattern, really fun and easy to sew.

After I was all done I took my girl out to the Courthouse to try to get some cute pictures.

It was a very breezy day, to day the least.  And the sun kept hiding behind the clouds, which made it pretty chilly.  So, we tried to keep the shoot brief.

 In the picture above my girl wanted to go see that big black bat...ha, ha.

I really liked this picture below, but darn it if my camera setting were all off.
Still figuring out how to use my camera...

I tried to take a few more photos but she was getting too cold.  Can you tell?

So we hoped inside to take a look inside the courthouse.  It was beautiful...

But I couldn't get that great of lighting.

So we came home.  However, during that eight minute drive home the sun came out and the day magically warmed up.  Isn't that how it goes?

So we came outside to inspect our garden and I decided to snap a few more pictures of her being cute in her new dress. 

 Again, loved this pattern and I'm excited for it's release coming soon.

Please check with CINO for more.


KT said…
That is really adorable.
I love it! Seriously. Every little bit! Thanks for testing!
i looove cino's patterns; they usually fit without that much adjusting for my tiny toddler too!
ZoĆ« said…
What a cute little dress, I really like your fabric choice and it looks adorable on your daughter :)
Heidi Polcyn said…
Such an adorable dress!! I love the colors you chose! I am so excited about this pattern release!
Heidi @
Unknown said…
Darling! I love this the piping is a great addition. Looking forward to the release
Donna @