How to Add Wainscoting to the Living Room


Last week I went into great detail of how to add easy Wainscoting to the walls.  So at the risk of completely repeating myself, I'll refer you there for all the specific details.

Today I'm just sharing a quick how-to for the living room.

Check out this before and after.
Anyone else really love looking at befores and afters?

As you can see above we started with some old basket/flag boarders which were all removed.  After that we painted the walls Coventry Gray by Benjamin Moore. 

Then we trimmed everything with 2" poplar boards.

Then we added the slats, chair rail and crown molding.

Last, we wood filled all the holes, caulked all the gaps, primed and painted everything -- including the baseboards and the doors.

As an added bonus, get Netflix and watch all the seasons of New Girl while you work. 
 Really makes the time fly.
After 18 hours of straight painting on my last day, everything was done, hooray!

So here's a look from inside the dining room.

We switched our red couches to the other living room and got this nice big, gray sectional, which suits the room much better.

Everything turned out so bright and lovely. 
 We have loved this project, it has made such a big POP in our living room.  
It was a ton of work, but totally worth it!


annie saidā€¦
Love it. Looks fantastic!
KT saidā€¦
Wow, looks super awesome! So beautiful. Very good work! And we loved New Girl for some time. It seriously makes me laugh so hard. Alas, . . . we finally had to give it up, since they have ONE topic. One, and it just got worse and worse on that one topic. We miss the humor.

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