10 AWESOME Gift Ideas for Guys

Is it just me or is buying gifts for men really hard? I'm under the personal opinion that I'm really easy to buy for: fabric + art + something new to wear and I'm as happy as a clam.
So If you're like me and need a little help, check out these ideas.
(These are not affiliated or sponsored ideas).
What guy wouldn't love the "world's BEST hammock"? Makes you wonder what qualifies it as such, huh?
Roo The World's BEST Camping Hammock - $99
I don't know a single man that does not just Love Bacon.
The Big Book of Bacon - $ 15
These wallets are just awesome.

Nothing dresses up a man quite as nicely as a freshly sewn bow tie.

Bow Tie Sewing Pattern - $ 5
This gift idea is for those 20-something brother-in-law types.
This game is an absolute favorite of ours. It's really fun to play with a big group, but can also be played with just two players.
7 Wonders - $32
Love these beautiful cutting boards.

Might be the fanciest dried meat I've ever seen.
Grass-fed Biltong - $10
My idea of fun is in my sewing room, music blaring, sewing away. But I know many who love to get outdoors and ...well....survive in nature.
Bushcraft 101 - $13
These are really beautiful journals.

Dark Brown Leather Journal - $ 25
This print just makes me laugh. Again, another Bacon reference.

Cow Butcher Diagram - $ 12
There you go, hope you enjoyed my roundup. Did I make your shopping a little easier...?