Urban Revival Slouchy Beanie

Hello, friends, does everyone want to stand up and give me a round of applause?

Thank you, thank you, oh you're too kind.

I actually followed a REAL crochet pattern.

I...might be a genius.

I found This Crochet Pattern from the Jo Anns website.

Then I spend the next several days forcing my brain to pay attention, count, learn new tricks...and actually follow a pattern.  I also checked out some good ideas on YouTube.

Turns out it was pretty easy and quite fun.

I made this beanie for my husband and was super excited to give it to him.

As appreciative as he was...he declared it "too hipster" for him and said he'd be honored if I'd wear it for him.

I fancy myself a little hipster.  So, here's my new hat.


KT saidā€¦
That's super cute and I'm quite sure I'm hipster enough. :) I think I need one.

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