How to easily alter your Jeans into Shorts

Do you ever buy clothing without trying them on?  Often, says I.  Mostly, I know my size, so we're good.  But every once in a while my laziness causes problems-- like when I buy $12 Gap jeans that are equal parts too short and waaaay too tight on the calves.  Sometimes when stores say "skinny jeans"  they mean stick jeans.

But all was not lost, I'm always in the need for shorts.  I like them long, to my knees, and purchasing long jeans is near impossible.  So turning jeans into shorts is really my best option, anyways.

It really is quite easy.  I did this yesterday after while the babes were napping.

STEP ONE:  Determine desired length of shorts.  Add 2 " and cut off bottom of jeans.

STEP TWO:  Turn shorts inside out and fold up jeans 1".  Iron in place.  Repeat, again, by folding 1" more and iron.  Pin in place, if desired.

STEP THREE:  Grab coordinating thread and for greatest success a denim/jean needle.
I used yellow thread, which I had on hand from IKEA.  While sewing around, it probably broke about 17 times-- so that was not thrilling.  For best results by strong thread!

STEP FOUR:  Sew using a triple straight stitch for added security.

STEP FIVE:  Sew around the top of the fold.  You can stop here with just one row.  But I always like to go twice, for a double needle look.  Just line up the first set of stitches in the middle of the left point of the sewing foot.

STEP SIX:  Press everything really well!

STEP SEVEN:  Using sand paper go around the bottom edges of the shorts and rough them up.  I used the sandpaper sizes 150 and 340.

All done!  Now enjoy those new professional looking shorts! 


annie saidā€¦
You can buy thread at Joanne's specifically for jeans. They have an orangish one and a brownish one.
I know they do...but I'm kinda lazy. I should keep it on hand, so I can cover all the lazy times.
Adam and Elissa saidā€¦
Hope you kept your cut off denim - I did for years and recently made this out of all cut offs and recycled denim.

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