Birthday Seat

Growing up we had a few lovely traditions for our birthdays.

Tradition Number One: We would chose a lovely cake out of a special cake book and our long suffering gratious mother would make it for us.

Here I am, Proud as can be on my 5th Birthday.

Tradition Number Two: As long as I can remember we always sat with this beautiful sign behind our heads:

I know, this is not exactly the best quality-- this is before digital, people.  Well, It says, very festively mind you, "Birthday Girl Sits Here".  The "here" is in the red arrow.  This lovely sign was drawn and created by my sweet mother....hey, I wonder what ever happened to it?....

Well, as a girl I always loved sitting underneath that arrow and it always made me feel special on my birthday.

Over the years I've drawn a few of my own "birthday kid sits here" signs around birthday time-- and then promptly throw them away after said birthday because they were not as awesome as I wished to merit saving for the next birthday.

Last year it occurred to me that maybe I should make my own.  This time I made it all out of felt.  

Here's how it goes for the Birthday Seat Tutorial:

1. Felt
2. More felt
3. Scissors
4. Sewing machine

Step One: Measure chair back and cut two equal squares that will cover the entire chair, when sewn together.

Step Two: Cut out "B-i-r-t-h-d-a-y" "B-o-y" "G-i-r-l" "S-i-t-s"  and "H-e-r-e" letters and arrow.
For this step I free-handed this.  I printed off the letters from a font that I liked and then looked at it as I cut each letter out.  If you're more of a perfectionist-- which I for sure am not-- then you can trace the letters on the felt to cut out.

Step Three: Pin and place the letters on the front and center of the chair slip.  Zig-Zag down the middle of each letter.

Step Four: "Boy" and "Girl" are sewn onto their own backing and attached with Velcro to the front of the chair slip.

Step Five: Once all the letters are sewn onto the front you can sew the chair sides together. Sew the three sides together with the bottom sides open (so it will slide on the chair).  Fold the bottom sides under and sew for a more finished look.

That's it-- So easy and lovely to be used again and again-- Now Don't Spill Any Cake on it, Kiddo!

(See how "boy" flips up-- because it's attached with Velcro)


KT saidā€¦
1) Are you sitting in a highchair for your 5th birthday?? Ah, mom?

2) Mom's so cute and so awesome!

3)That is an awesome barbie you got.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I think I made that original sign. It looks more like my work than moms.......but I am going to follow your lead and make a permanent one. I am sick of making a new one all the time!
Um, yes I am sitting at on the high chair. I noticed that too and thought, "Hmm, odd." But I bet it was because we were out of chairs-- or something like that.

And Yes, that was an awesome Barbie.

And, Did "S" make that sign? Now that I look further into it...I can see that's not exactly Mom's, after all these years I've given her the credit.
Big D and Me saidā€¦
This is my favorite thing I've seen in blog land in a long time. We have a birthday bowl for cake but this is the best- I am making one of these pronto - Ok, maybe not pronto but soon.
Mimi saidā€¦
That is adorable. How special!
Cara saidā€¦
Holy Moley! I knew you were super creative...but I didn't know you were this creative! I'm so impressed--I just checked out all your old blog posts too. Keep up all the creative work & call me or shoot me an e-mail because we need to get our kiddos together! Emily is getting so big and beautiful!
Emily saidā€¦
Very creative. My mom still has that high chair (the grandkids now use it). Thanks for linking up!
I love that you can switch it out. That looks so fun and I bet it will be a nice tradition.

I am a new follower from the Sunday Showcase. If you have a moment stop by
Ashley saidā€¦
very very cute!!! and a fun idea:)
This is so fun!! I'll have to try and do this for my DD's birthday-she would love it! I would love it if you would link this up to my link party, Pinterest Tuesday. I am sure other moms would love to see this one!
Karima saidā€¦
Wow, what a great idea! Think I want one of them. Saw you on linky party and now gogle following, Karma :)
Jami saidā€¦
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE this idea! This will definitely be a List Maker this week! Thanks so much for linking to the Tuesday To Do Party! Can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!
Ashley saidā€¦

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