Homemade Gifts-- Scripture Case with Handle

Last week husband and I had a rare date night where we could drop the kids off at church and go Christmas shopping without them.  2 whole hours just us (and the baby-- we're not quite ready to let her go yet) to be without the boys.  We debated on just having a date or going out to see a movie.  But finally decided maybe we really ought to go out and get some Christmas shopping done.

We thought together and planned a fun list of items we wanted to get the boys.  Then my husband decided it would be a Great idea to get the boys their own scriptures with their names monogrammed on the front.

Among the toys we purchased we picked up two brand-new, monogrammed scriptures for each boy.

As we were walking out the store my husband suggested, "And why don't you make them their own scripture cases, too.  They'd love that."

I reminded him of the other 15  projects I wanted to get done before Christmas, but this one quickly jumped to the very top of my list.  I made them each in about 2 hours.

I will tell you, though I did not start this project completely from scratch.  I checked the good ol' internet for some inspiration and decided I liked this tutorial by I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar best. 
 But I altered it, of course, because I wanted to add a handle.

All set for Christmas.  I can't wait to see what the boys think of them!

Click HERE for your own Scripture bag pattern-- only $2.


HoneySage saidā€¦
Thank you for the great tut! Thanks for sharing!
Ladybird Ln saidā€¦
Great tutorial, and what a fun gift! I am pinning this for future use! I think I might do this for my kids for easter! Thanks for showing off!

iammommahearmeroar saidā€¦
The strap was a great addition. Way to go Allison! Thanks for sharing this with me!

Lori saidā€¦
Thanks for sharing your scripture case...I love it. I'm a new follower too, so stop by and follow if you like. Happy New Year
Janelle saidā€¦
totally cute! i'm going to have to do this for my kids....and yes, I am just now seeing this...but this is awesome!!! :)
Unknown saidā€¦
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Unknown saidā€¦
i like all different color of cases which are shown .i am wishing Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.

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