How to make Simple Felt Monster Hand Puppets


My 5 year old daughter and I work together on little preschool projects 2-3 times a week.  Usually we introduce a new letter, work on what sound it makes and how to write it, then we do a project starting with that letter.  We've made a lot of cute things together.

Well, last Monday we we designated it, "Monster Monday"!  First we learned the letter 'M' and then the fun began when we made simple felt monster hand puppets.  

The plan was to just make the one for my preschool girl, but they were so fun each of the kids wanted to make their own.

Here's how to make your own:

2. Felt in lot of color
3. Glue gun
4. Sewing machine

STEP ONE: Trace around your child's hand.  Or, you can use this FREE Pattern. 

STEP TWO: Let the kid's design their puppet as they want on the paper. 

STEP THREE: Using your paper as a pattern, pin the paper pattern on top of your colored felt and cut out.  Then cut out all the pieces out of felt.
We sat down together and discussed each color and the placement of everything.  I helped with the cutting, but everything was the design of my children. 

STEP FOUR: Once everything is cut out, sew a simple stitch around the puppet, starting and ending on the sides where the hand goes in.  Then, hot glue each of the pieces in places.

That's it!

Can you guess which kid designed which puppet?

This funny kid designed, "The Joker"!  He tries his hardest to have his puppet say and do funny things every time they're playing.

This crazy girl, designed, "The Shadow Master", because "he is the master of all shadows".
She's really big into being scary and making creepy things.  Last night before bed I told her, "Oh, I hope you don't get scared tonight with that creepy guy in your room."  Suddenly she looked at it in a different light and looked really nervous, she told me, worriedly, "Maybe I shouldn't have made his eyes red..."  Then she turned him upside down on her dresser before going to sleep. 
Ha, she's such a crack up.

 And lastly we have this one, "Pink Girl".  She designed it herself and even chose the pink belly button.

The kids have had So much fun with their puppets!  They've been playing with them constantly.  They really loved the idea that they could design and play with their own puppet.

BTW-- Our puppet board came from this activity.

 Hope you had a GREAT Monster Monday!!


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