A Man's Manly Apron.


So a while ago... Father's day I think....?  My husband asked for a big manly apron to wear for when he cooks in the home.

Simple enough.  Time was getting kind of short and I thought, "Oh, this time I'll just go out and buy one."  So off I set out to check all my favorite stores and came home with 0 aprons.  They were all terrible.  Saying things like "Real Men do Dishes" or weird BBQ innuendos.  So not going to work.  

So Father's day came and went and my poor husband received no apron-- but received an even better gift....The promise that I would make him an apron.  Okay, that's probably not a better gift.  But I did eventually follow through and for Christmas I made him an apron.

It's simple, nice, big, and manly.  It's made from outdoor fabric, so it's thick and sturdy.

As an early Christmas present my husband gave me a serger.  Because he's super kind and thoughtful like that.  So to make him his apron I basically just serged all my edges and sewed them to the inside.

For my top piece I added a second layer so it would look nice and lay flat.

My dimensions are as follows:

And though it took him a half a year to get his apron, he finally has it and really enjoys using it.

And I'm always in for a real treat when he uses it.  Like the other night when we had a stay-in date night and he cooked me these delicious burritos made with real home cooked tortillas.  It was fabulous.

See? What a lucky gal I am.


What a great husband you have, great apron. I'm sure he loves it.
KT saidā€¦
Ha ha ha.......i love that comment above. Yes, and I agree. Looks awesome, nice and manly.

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