The Let your Love Grow Shirt

Here's my next project with a Valentines twist.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked best to introduce my shirt.  I really like the one above-- but it doesn't show the whole shirt (someone did not want to stand up).  I really like the one below-- but it doesn't show my cute baby.

So I made one of each.

A couple weeks ago I bought a bunch of onesies, since sister's hand-me-downs from her brothers were starting to look a little grungy.

With Valentine's day coming up, I knew I wanted to take one of those onesies and make a Valentine's shirt for her.  I was trying to think of something original when I came across this craft from The Crafty Crow.

Scrumdilly Do valentine trees

Such a cute little tree.  This got the wheels turning and the "Let your Love Grow" shirt was created.


1. One shirt or Onesie
2. Heat and Bond material
3. Fabric
STEP ONE: Wash shirt or onesie. 

STEP TWO: Cut out brown tree trunk.
I cut mine out of some brown corduroy material I had.  
Then fold each side of the tree in and iron.

STEP THREE: Cut out some Heat & Bond material.

STEP FOUR: Press Heat & Bond to backside, let cool, take off paper.

STEP FIVE: Press tree onto onesie.  Sew around the edges of tree.
Technically the Heat & Bond material that I have says, "no sew"-- but I don't trust it.  So I like to bond it, then sew it down to make sure everything stays put. 

STEP SIX: Cut out many different colors of pink, red, and orange fabric.  Cut out Heat & Bond squares, that are smaller than the fabrics.  Iron together.

STEP SEVEN: Once cooled, take off back paper.

STEP EIGHT: Cut out Hearts and place on tree.
For a short cut I folded my material in half and cut my hearts out together.  If you do this, make sure you put the fabric sides together when folding.  I found out the hard way that if you put the bonded sides together-- well...they'll bond together and you can't pull them apart.

STEP NINE: Place hearts in a heart shape on top of tree.  Iron together.

STEP TEN: Sew around heart to keep things put.

All done. 

This funny girl Loves her glasses.  She brings them to me all day and requests that I put them on her.  They seemed like just the thing for her cover shot.

And-- a little something for those Pinterest-ers outs there.

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annie saidā€¦
So cute. I love Valentines stuff. It's the only holiday I decorate for anymore besides Christmas.
Alisha Stamper saidā€¦
This is really cute. Completely darling!
This is adorable. I especially love the shots of your little girl with the awesome glasses!
Lindsi B saidā€¦
Awesome!! I saw you on Tater Tots and Jello. Would you please be willing to share this fabulous post with my readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?
So adorable! I love your loon painting too. I am leaving a comment for both here because you have word verification on.
Emily saidā€¦
This is fabulous! I never thought of doing this type of thing, and the end result is so cute.

Thanks for sharing! :)

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