Funny Halloween Costume Ideas-- Round UP.

I'm in a weird mood this morning. I've got lots to do.... So I thought I'd round up some funny Halloween ideas for you to think about while you plan out your Halloween plans.
And this cute girl I'm sure really wanted to be Dwight for Halloween.
Can't you just imagine this guy about to run down and start playing the Price is Right?
I remember seeing this last year and thinking, Wow, that is so simple and creative! The dress and cute hair really make the outfit.

Why is this show so popular?....makes me grumpy, yet I enjoy watching it.

Ahh, so cute. Who has a pot that big?
This one is creepy. His face is so funny.
This baby is so cute. I'm sure my sister would like this one. She loves this movie.
Van Gogh? Love it. But this kid needs to work on some more haunting eyes.
This cute little guy is mine. His Scar is actually a sticker. I think later that day he fell down and got a real scar-- typical.

Everyone loves a strong man baby.
And I leave you now with my favorite:
I love this guy's look + iron. I wonder if my hubby wants to get in on the action this year.